

Sunday’s workout….

30 minutes easy ride on Trainer

Sprint 8

5 minutes of zone 4 riding (Heart Rate Zones)

Rest of the hour I cooled down

I have forgotten how difficult Sprint 8 is on a bike. I was finding my speed dropping around 25 seconds. It was painful to keep it up for the full 30 seconds. According to Phil Campbell, this indicates I was doing it correctly. Sprint 8 is trying to get you to totally work over the fast twitch muscles. Although it was painful and I was dead, it did feel good to blow out the engine.

Latter in the evening I did some foam roller work on my legs. My right calf has been giving my problems.

I was able to get up this morning and do my devotional. Today’s was on patients.

“A patient spirit is better than a proud spirit” Ecclesiastes 7:8

Pride derails me so much. I know as an athlete, my pride has forced me to ride/ run harder than my workout called, just so I could keep up. Then I would miss two or three work out recovering. Or my pride kept me from attending a training ride with a faster group because I knew I would get dropped.

This morning’s devotional reminded me to be patient with myself; God is not finished working out His plan in my life…or yours!

It reminded me to remain focused on the goals God has for me this year. To not push and try and make things happen by myself, God is faithful.

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