
My Gift Catalog:

My Gift Catalog:

Hello Friends,

January 13, 2012 marks my 41st year on this Earth. In those 41 years I have received a great many blessings and gifts. On this birthday I would like to take an adventure. As many of you will not be surprised, I want to use my bicycle for this adventure. Here are the details?.

On Friday, July 13, 2012 I will ride my Giant Defy Advance from Indianapolis, IN to Brown County State Park and then switch to my trusty Trek Fuel EX 8 and continue to ride laps until I have ridden for 12 hrs. My hope is you will help me stay motivated during my 12 hour adventure. You can help me stay motivate by accepting my challenge.

The Challenge! If I complete my 12 hour adventure, you will donate a goat through World Vision. Simply follow this link to My Gift Catalog, select a goat and purchase it on line. My goal is to have my friends, family and colleagues purchase 41 goats.

Why Goats? Goat?s milk is very nutritious for young children. The families can also sell the milk products in their local markets. The addition of just one goat can bring much hope to a needy family. Please help bring 41 families this hope!

Please feel free to pass this along to others.


Anonymous said...

So how did the July 13 ride go?

IC3 Indiana said...

It was much shorter than I had originally planned. Only road 50+ miles on the road. Training has been very poor this year. Raised close to $1000 to buy goats for needy families! That was the best part!